Category Archives: Career

Weekly Endorsement

Hiring Gen Y Makes Dollars and Sense” from Under 30 CEO

Love this post at for two reasons: it shows the benefits of hiring Gen Y and I am Gen Y trying to get a job now that I’m graduating.  Right now is a great time for employers to hire Gen Y  too.  Recession=not as much money as before, and not as much money as before=can’t afford experienced talent, and can’t afford experienced talent=get a great bargain hire Gen Y/College graduates.

One thing I would add to the list of benefits of hiring Gen Y is that we are idealistic in many respects.  This idealism can be a great tool for employers to motivate and harness Gen Y’s potential to produce great results.  If you make us care about what we do at work, we will deliver for you (the employer) like no one else.

Let’s Chat!

What are your thoughts about hiring Gen Y or recent college graduates in general?  What does Gen Y need to work on and what do they do well?  Do you see any trends in Gen Y employment?


Filed under Career, Endorsements

Weekly Endorsement

The Way I Work: Jason Fried of 37 Signals” from

This article from is about Jason Fried, founder of software company 37 signals.  It is how he works and runs his company.  This is a great read and hopefully a realization that the 40-hour workweek potentially decreases productivity, creativity and employee happiness.  Included below are a few of my favorite parts of the article:

“Employees come to the office if and when they feel like it, or else they work from home. I don’t believe in the 40-hour workweek, so we cut all that BS about being somewhere for a certain number of hours. I have no idea how many hours my employees work — I just know they get the work done”

“I hate it when businesses treat their employees like children. They block Facebook or YouTube because they want their employees to work eight hours a day. But instead of getting more productivity, you’re getting frustration. What’s the point? As long as the work gets done, I don’t care what people do all day.”

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Filed under Career, Endorsements

Weekly Endorsement

I have not been able post a weekly endorsement the last two weeks due to my road trip.  But its back!

This week’s endorsement comes from Trent Hamm of the Simple Dollar blog.  The post is titled, “What Is A ‘Good Job’?”

The meat of the post asks one question: if you have a job that pays well but essential sucks the life from you is it worth it?  Trent makes the argument that being happy in what you do is more important in life than having lots of money to buy goodies.

Check it out and let me know what you think.

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Filed under Career, Endorsements, Life

Weekly Endorsement

Every week I have decided to promote/endorse/salute/honor one blog post, artical or whatever that I have read and deem worthy of your attention.

This post is from by Matt Chevy: “Your Recession Ain’t Got Nothing On Me .” The post chronicles Matt’s search for a job after college as well as his thinking during college.  I found I extremely useful and encouraging as a soon to be graduate myself.

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Filed under Career, Endorsements

The Working Life

“The Supreme accomplishment is to blur the line between work and play.”

-Arnold Toynbee

I recently read an article in Esquire magazine called Why Are You Working So Hard? which hits on the conversation of meaningful work, going on in the Gen Y blogging community.  Blogs such as Modite, life Without Pants, Mad Grad, The Art Of Nonconformity, Small Hands Big Ideas and Penelope Trunk (See blogroll for links) have many good posts, and are a good place to get in the conversation.  As a student nearing graduation day and getting closer to entering real world life, the subject of meaningful work weighs heavily on my mind.  I used to think that the most salient part of a job is a high salary.  Today I know a job is much more.

After an 8-week internship this summer I realize the importance of loving what you do, or at least liking it quite a bit.  Spending 40 hours of your week at work is a long time.  Eight plus hours everyday at work is will probable take up most your time.  You will not have much time to “have a life” when the work day is through.  I found myself coming home from work drained and usually spent the next hour on the couch.  This was after sitting in a cubicle in front of a computer most of the day.  Imagine being on your feet or doing some sort of labor!

Because of my experience this summer I am determined to not only find a job, but a career I’m proud of and enjoy spending 40 hours of my life devoted to every week.  I find it encouraging that my peers feel the same way as I do as well as the Esquire article. I find the prospects of putting my heart and soul into my work only to be unfulfilled and unhappy very discomforting to say the least.  For years people have put up with work that does not enrich their lives and making excuses for a crappy job and life.  I for one will not and know I am not the only one.

The times where people put in their hours every week, write up their reports, and be good employees only to buy a 42-inch LCD TV are hopefully coming to an end.  In the Esquire article Stephen Marche asks, why are you working so hard, is it to come home from work to sit on your ass and watch TV for the rest of the day?  I hope not.  Call me selfish but I want something more.  I want an extraordinary life, not one filled up with stuff.  I see the first part of living an extraordinary life is loving the work you do that sustains your life.  Without that love every other part of your life suffers.  Americans need to reevaluate what is meaningful in our lives in order to become happier, more sane people.

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Filed under Career, Life, Self-Development